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Dental implantology in Seine et Marne


Implantology Advanced and cortical implants

What is dental implantology?

What is called advanced implantology are acts and procedures aimed at patients with major oral problems: for example, advanced periodontal disease in which all the teeth are moving.

This leads to gum infections, as well as oral cysts.

They are often linked to the failure of several dental treatments and widespread and significant bone loss. 

  • For patients who have this type of problem, it is necessary to perform sinus fillers (filling of sinuses with bone to increase the height of the bone to receive dental implants).

  • It is also important to perform bone fillings with removal of the chin or the mandibular ramus, or the femoral neck...

  • All of these maneuvers have risks: such as hemorrhage, paresthesia,  or exposure and infection of the grafts that require wound cleansing with graft removal and additional procedures.


Cortical implants do not present this type of risk and do not require this type of complicated maneuver because they are inserted in areas of the jaw that have not been affected before and are the hardest and most resilient parts of the jaws.

  • Without a transplant there is no risk of rejection or infection.

Why resort to implantology?

The absence of a tooth can affect the balance of your teeth and disturb the stability of your jaw.

This is why the placement of dental implants can be a way to regain a more normal quality of life on a daily basis.

However, the placement of implants requires prior planning to suit each individual case.

It is therefore essential to consult a surgeon before the operation for an assessment of the clinical situation. The surgeon will take the medical history into account, take impressions and order a CT scan to assess the amount of bone available and the adjacent anatomical elements.

The placement of implants is an intervention performed under local anesthesia. Recent advances make it possible to place the implant without opening the gum and to minimize post-operative side effects.

The difference between guided and advanced implantology

Computer-guided implantology is an advanced method of dental implants that uses computer technology to plan and guide the surgical procedure of dental implants. This approach consists of creating a 3D simulation of the jawbone and the position of future implants, using radiological images and plastic models.

With the help of the computer, the surgeon can view the exact position of the dental implants and check if everything is in order before starting the procedure. Computer-guided implantology also makes it possible to predict the results of the intervention and minimize potential risks.

Advanced implantology, on the other hand, refers to all the modern methods used to place dental implants, including computerized planning, precise surgery and healing protocols. The goal is to maximize

Comment se passe la pose d'un implant dentaire ?

Le déroulement de la pose d'un implant dentaire commence par une incision de la gencive. Ensuite, le praticien insère délicatement l'implant en titane, adapté en taille et en forme grâce à une analyse radiologique approfondie. 
La gencive est ensuite suturée, et une période de cicatrisation de 2 à 6 mois est nécessaire pour favoriser l'ostéointégration, c'est-à-dire la fusion solide de l'implant avec l'os.

Dans certains cas, des chirurgies supplémentaires, telles que des comblements osseux, peuvent être nécessaires pour garantir un support adéquat de l'implant. Une fois la phase de cicatrisation terminée, une couronne dentaire est fixée sur l'implant, lui conférant le rôle d'une racine artificielle.

Je vous accueille dans mon cabinet situé à Evry Gregy sur Yerre en Seine et Marne sur rendez vous, n'hésitez pas à me contacter.


Advanced Implantology

Dr. Andrei Serdean

Address of
Dental clinic

18 Avenue of the Marquis

Evry Gregy sur Yerre

77166, France

Phone: 0164052470

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